Highest Rated Comments

freethinkofficial6 karma

Do you use recreational drugs when not researching for his book? Are you addicted to any of the drugs? What do you think of people potentially using his book to start using drugs but then becoming addicted? Wouldn't an addict use more than what you recommends in regards to dosing? What do you think of drug users building up tolerance that can lead to someone using higher doses to feel the high?

(From StarfireSea on youtube)

freethinkofficial4 karma

Do you have any addictions? if so how many, how do they feel, and how do they feel when you pile them up.

(From James Glodo on youtube)

freethinkofficial1 karma

What do you think is missing from everyday life in society that makes people want to escape reality by using drugs in the first place? Is it a lack of philosophy? A lack of deep fundamental meaning in life and the universe? Is it the routine and judgmental attitude of society? Is it the lack of love in the world? The close mindedness and boredom?

(From Robert Roberts via YouTube)

freethinkofficial-3 karma

Have you ever heard of the Just Say No campaign? If you did you just thumbed your nose at it.

(From J Carver on YouTube)