Highest Rated Comments

fox_wesley283 karma

What's the most requested review of all time you haven't done, and why not?

fox_wesley25 karma

Because it's wordpress... So he can spend more time working on his business than updating/tweaking his website.

Source: Former front-end developer-turned VR developer that uses a wordpress site for the same reasons.

fox_wesley23 karma

Hey John-

Are there any plans to make the codebase more transparent, or provide more documentation for what Unity is doing under the hood?

Unity developers like myself have begun creating their own set of coding superstitions based on what worked on that one project that one time, and it causes a lot of confusion in the community as well as wildly varying code standards.

fox_wesley5 karma

Eh. Just because the cobbler can make excellent shoes, doesn't mean his kids are going to be wearing royal footwear.

Good websites (from scratch) are thousands of dollars to create, and can be expensive to maintain. Going with wordpress will work in most scenarios for starting businesses.