Highest Rated Comments

footiebuns120 karma

What is your typical workday like?

footiebuns66 karma

Thanks for answering our questions. I have two:

  1. If the WBC believes they are the only church whose members are going to heaven, do they also believe that nobody since the advent of christianity has made it to heaven (unless they have acted in a similar way be condemning christians)?

  2. Do they actually believe they are converting people and changing minds with their protests?

footiebuns7 karma

How big is your American flag lapel pin?

Edit: [Serious question] Beyond helping your indiegogo campaign, what is something those of us outside of Kentucky can do to fight money corrupting politics?

footiebuns3 karma

Thanks for sharing your blog and answering our questions. I have three for you:

  1. How has seeing so many countries around the world changed your perspective on life?
  2. Were there any scary moments/events that occurred during your travels?
  3. Why did you not visit Australia or any South American countries?

footiebuns3 karma

Hi Nick, I love your sense of style!

Who or what most influences your fashion choices?

Do you have an fashion regrets, particularly from your Jonas Brothers days (Bonus for pics!)?