Highest Rated Comments

foofightrs77725 karma

You are missing the point entirely. Truth does not necessarily equal a successful claim. If you want to seek justice (whatever exactly that means to you) stop grandstanding on the internet and talk to a lawyer or someone who can actually help. Statements you make on here can and probably will be brought into court and will probably be mischaracterized and used to attack your credibility. So seriously, my heart goes out to you and yours, but you probably aren't making the best decision by talking about this on reddit without guidance from an experienced professional.

In fact, many lawyers will probably ask you about the things you have done including whether you have made statements online or in a public forum. Hopefully this doesn't come back in a negative way.

foofightrs7771 karma

What do you think about the approach advocated by Dr. Gawande in his The Checklist Manifesto?