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flamehead2k1137 karma

You are missing the biggest part of rape culture which is prison rape. This is probably the only case where it is socially acceptable to condone and make fun of rape.

It makes up a significant portion of rape in this country but I don't hear the anti rape culture camp talk about it.

edit: autocorrect correction

flamehead2k145 karma

The loophole is the private seller aspect. It is legal but most people I know who support private sales think it should be limited to parties that know each other or one-off sales, not trying to solicit sales at a show.

It is a loophole because it is legal but goes against the (perceived) intent of the law.

flamehead2k128 karma

That money comes mostly from individuals who work for Citigroup. Should employees be banned from donating once their fellow coworkers donate a certain amount?

flamehead2k119 karma

Lets call a spade a spade. If you have to work under a contract and in many cases have to pay dues, you are effectively forced into the Union.

flamehead2k117 karma

What you are suggesting is highly illegal and enforced. I strongly doubt that is the case.