Highest Rated Comments

five_hammers_hamming70 karma

I had a dream like that. In a history class, the professor was talking about Germany blitzkrieging Poland, and he wrote "Poland" as you would write its name in that language on the board. Then he erased two of the letters and wrote each in the other's place, which spelled that language's word for "blitzkrieg". He laughed pretty solidly about that for a while.

five_hammers_hamming27 karma

Sadly no. I don't see symbols exactly in dreams, just some stuff that I can identify as text.

five_hammers_hamming22 karma


I enjoyed this textual pun.

five_hammers_hamming2 karma

due to a stipulation in the Patriot ACT, many Muslims in America were required to register with the US government

  1. Holy shit we're literallyfiguratively the Nazis.

  2. Would someone please cite where in the act that is required, and/or explain how that comes about? It's just so weird I really want to look at it directly. There's just a whole lot of haystack to look through for the needle.