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finlayson16 karma

Greetings Mr. Kohn:

Thank you for this AMA.

There are many times where i feel the process of law cannot be trusted to protect the little guy. "Obama's war on whistleblowers" is a common term. You can look it up.

Now, Mr. Holder has returned to his Wall Street defense firm, after a brief hiatus as Attorney General of the United States. This week, Salon Magazine did a piece on it: http://www.salon.com/2015/07/07/why_eric_holders_new_job_is_an_insult_to_the_american_public/

Other media articles say Mr. Holder's main job was to run cover for Wall Street in the biggest financial scams we have read about in the newspapers.

What bothers me most is Mr. Holder's irregular statement last week that Snowden might be a legitimate whistleblower (it took the current Attorney General about 5 seconds to say "no" to this idea), and similar statements to cover his ass on the whistleblower topic. Why do you think Holder is trying to be pro-whistleblower all of a sudden? He had time to "walk the walk" when he was in government. it doesn't smell right. How are the powerful held to account if Mr. Holder does have a whistleblower skeleton in his closet of some kind, and he is trying to use misdirection? Holder was the one who said banks were too big to fail (above the law). No one challenged him on that. And Holder is acting like he's untouchable. He's not at all concerned about the United States public's perception of his career moves. The law cowers under this guy's feet, and the media says there are "high-fives" all around his office.

Is it really possible for Holder to be subject to the laws the way that you and I are? Thoughts on the USDOJ and their "high-five" triumphalism?