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fetishiste17 karma

To what extent could burnout and ADHD mimic one another? How can a historical high achiever who can no longer manage the same perfectionist-avoidance-to-last-minute-miracle-working-marathon work cycle as they age and take on more responsibilities determine to what extent they’re dealing with both?

fetishiste10 karma

TIL, thank you!

fetishiste3 karma

What kinds of factors do people tend to take into account when making moral decisions about whether to keep a secret? I ask because I once got super into this as an ethical question with a friend, and ended up creating a whole list of relevant criteria.

fetishiste2 karma

How would you recommend applying stoic philosophy in therapeutic contexts in a way that aligns with some of what we know about the mood disorders related to chemical imbalance, or developmental neurodivergence?

I ask because I’m a social worker in training, and my partner is autistic and found Stoicism incredibly helpful as a philosophy to get him through the travails of adolescence. I’m really interested in CBT and Stoicism as frameworks, but some of the big complaints I’ve seen from people who disliked CBT were that it made presumptions that everyone existed within the same cognitive reality and everyone had the same things under their own control.

fetishiste1 karma

I'd love to know what you thought of the film of Where The Wild Things Are. It seems like something you might have liked, especially when I think about the passages in the first Fairyland novel that describe September, and all young children, as heartless.