Highest Rated Comments

fdghd4 karma

If I were you, I would do a ton of research on mitochondria.

3 things you could try, which have been proven to increase mitochondria: start doing tons of endurance exercise. I'm talking, 2 hours on an eliptical per day. Endurance exercise substantially increases mitochondria number and efficiency. (its called "mitochondrial biogenesis") http://livehealthy.chron.com/happens-mitochondria-during-aerobic-exercise-5350.html

2: Do a ketogenic diet. This means consuming nothing but fats. Its also been proven to increase mitochondria. http://circres.ahajournals.org/content/110/8/1047.full this article actually specifically states that a ketogenic diet significantly helped rats with mitochondrial diseases (link takes like 45 seconds to load for some reason)

3: take certain supplements like PQQ (proven to increase mitochondrial biogenesis) and resveratrol. The typical dose of PQQ is 20 mg/day but if I were you I would take like 200 mg per day.

These interventions may not "cure" you of the disease, but if you did all of them, I think they could very substantially impact it and bring you to nearly normal. The fact that the disease can be a result of environmental triggers, indicates it is not 100% genetic, and therefore you can influence it.

Have you tried any of these interventions?