Highest Rated Comments

fayezer3 karma

Hi, thanks for doing an AMA. My biggest concern is the labelling of non-organic foods and GMOs. But that being said, I wonder what you're also doing to stop non certified organic foods from being advertised as "organic"? There have to be standards set, and every farm on my block says it's organic, but none are certified... this means there are no consistent standards, and people I've talked to who say they run organically still use fungicides and other weird things. Just because a farm doesn't spray plants directly doesn't mean it is organic. How are you preserving the term organic? How are you stopping every joe blow from using the word?

fayezer1 karma

Hi! I'm in BC. The products do not cross provincial boarders, it's locally consumed from farmer's markets and such. Which is great...but I still don't think they should be labelled organic.