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falconer2717 karma

What are some tips for cutting down on gaming time? I find myself primarily using gaming as a form of escapism and playing more than I'd like during stressful times in my life, or as a way to procrastinate to avoid doing something that is stressing me out.

I usually play competitive games like League of Legends that are very easy to play hours of since the individual games are relatively short. Thanks for doing an AMA and offering your perspective!

falconer277 karma

Yeah they can be anywhere from 15 to 50 minutes, so not that short really. I suppose a better way to phrase it would be short enough to convince myself that I'll just play one more. And then next thing you know I've played 3-4 games and played a couple hours longer than I intended.

falconer273 karma

Good point! I play pickleball with friends and enjoy running, but I'm pretty inconsistent with both of those during the winter and fall.

falconer272 karma

Have you guys worked with Rebekah Paci-Green? I had her for a professor at my school and she seemed to have lots of experience on this topic.