Highest Rated Comments

fabulousprizes331 karma

Piper isn't really the star of the show any more, at least in a lot of viewer's opinions. Her story line kind of took a back seat to a lot of the others in the last two seasons. I'd say your relationship with Doggett and Suzanne's Time Porn storylines were the best two arcs in season 3.

fabulousprizes316 karma

If you had been helping Woody with his first AMA, do you think it would have turned out differently?

fabulousprizes307 karma

Impossible, he grew up in Victoria BC, there are only three black people and none of them know Steve.

fabulousprizes279 karma

"Yes, originally I wanted to be Moldy_Queef_Barf, but it was taken."

fabulousprizes132 karma

As a guy who passed the 40 mark last year, I know how tough it is to stay in the same kind of shape that seemed easy when I was 25-30. When I see Hugh Jackman in the latest X Men, I know he busted his ass at the gym, but winstrol and decca probably helped out.