Highest Rated Comments

eyeless200085 karma

I've always found it odd and a bit misleading that vocal tics are seen as a requirement for being diagnosed with tourettes. I definitely have it, and have been diagnosed, but I've never really had any vocal tics. The closest I may have come is clearing my throat loudly, or clicking my tongue.

Meanwhile, I have: rubbing my chin on my chest or shoulder, rolling my shoulder in it's socket (to the point where it pops out nowadays), cracking my knuckles, winking, blinking, rubbing my toes together and stretching my jaw and neck.

Edit: I'm 29 and was diagnosed at around 5. Second edit: My brother also has it.

eyeless200068 karma

Which is what seems weird to me (that it's in the definition). It's the same mechanism regardless of whether it's blinking or clicking or making sounds. It's like if had to have a certain number of sneezes for each cough to be classed as having the flu.