Highest Rated Comments

eye_can_do_that14 karma

What is a typical cost for you? What shipping company do you use? How heavy are the bags you ship? Do you use a normal rolling luggage bag?

eye_can_do_that11 karma

What was the most common way you would meet people that you bonded with? Bar?

eye_can_do_that7 karma

Did you attend your districts BoE meetings and if so how do you think the BoE handled the planning of school reopening? What about the super attendant and his staff? Obviously you didn't like what they implemented but what about the process that got them there?

eye_can_do_that3 karma

What's the communities overall response to the plan? Are most fine with it or are they revolting against the plan? They voted for the BoE members so they must have thought these BoE members would be the ones that could handle situations involving decisions that affect the schools.

eye_can_do_that2 karma

I googled your 'book' hoping it existed but knowing deep down it didn't.