Highest Rated Comments

explodingcranium244232 karma

As someone who grew up in Texas and was fortunate enough to have a mother that encouraged sex education and not JUST abstinence, THANK YOU. I have seen first hand what can happen to someone when they have absolutely no knowledge about what's happening with their own bodies. You are a godsend for some of these graduates that need this kind of guidance.

explodingcranium244231 karma

Out of all the things you witnessed at the facility, what was the most shocking?

explodingcranium244220 karma

Was he just naturally curious of the cyclists, or was he standing his ground? I was a bit confused, as the cyclists really weren't doing anything to agitate the animal.

explodingcranium24421 karma

How do recent events in the US compare to what you envisioned in early stages of Gilead?