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exeneva6 karma

You guys are true masters of the turn based RPG. You'd be a perfect fit for Ultima!

exeneva4 karma

This may not exactly be kosher for an AMA question, but we're an indie studio working on an online card game and our weather system and several of our card interactions are heavily inspired by the combat interactions in Divinity: Original Sin, which we found to be VERY fun.

Animated GIF of water + lightning, inspired by Divinity: http://gfycat.com/AnnualDrearyBats

How did you guys come up with your combat system? What was the inspiration for it the status/weather interactions?

exeneva3 karma

Whoa, I had no idea one of the DoC designers is working for Larian now! DoC is also one of our inspirations :)

exeneva2 karma

Just out of curiosity: Is four a hard limit? If so, I'm curious why that particular number versus something like six.

exeneva1 karma

Completely understandable!