Highest Rated Comments

exedore_us333 karma

How do you feel about Capital Hill going Hipster? Could your possee still hang out on Broadway?

exedore_us1 karma

Joe vs. Ippo in the ultimate anime boxing match. Would they make it to the 10th round, and who would win?

exedore_us1 karma

Why do you think we don't see true poverty in anime anymore? The last series I can think of with non-middle class (even lower-middle class) main characters is Brigadoon, which was over a decade ago. Is it simply the fact that poor people can't buy a Lawson's worth of merchandise?

exedore_us1 karma

Is there any buzz in the industry about the JAMs and the MuMufication project? It's interesting to see the intersection of death and art, especially with who's behind it.


exedore_us1 karma

My nasal passages are quite shallow and narrow and I'm always congested/draining. Why won't the HNOs I've seen agree to the OP until after I turn 50? (Seriously, another decade of this?)

Also, any advice for keeping a 95 mask fitting well without constricting breathing further?