Highest Rated Comments

excusemefucker33 karma

How do you balance your fever dream Twitter covering crab insurance to offering topless photos for donations with getting opportunities with larger/more mainstream websites and publications?

I really enjoyed Tacky, I won a copy with a temp tattoo and gave the copy I bought to a friend to enjoy.

excusemefucker19 karma

They all are similar names too. I'm going to go ahead and believe they're all bs accounts for this "ama".

excusemefucker7 karma

There are 3 houses being built near me right now. They all are framed, plywood on and they are running ducts, wiring and pipes.

We've walked through the houses several times. These people are measure once, cut it and call it good. There are gaps all over with the framing and plywood. They've moved one wall twice in a house because they had it it the wrong spot. That's just a couple mistakes we are seeing. Generally, spec houses are knocked out as quick as possible for as cheap as possible.

excusemefucker6 karma

Actual question/comment, not trying to be a dick.

How is your statement any different from what people are saying about law enforcement? The ratio of problems v no problems is low, but every cop is a racist.

How does excusing one group from their extremists ok?

excusemefucker4 karma

I heard your interview on Nerdist a bit ago and really enjoyed it.

Hardwick mentioned you having your cellphone camera covered. Do you really feel that people hacking your phone and activating your camera is really a big risk? Do you think it's a bigger risk for you given your celebrity?
