Highest Rated Comments

everythingisforants783 karma

Hey, I'm 8 months clean off of heroin, living in Seattle. Have there been any long term studies into the effect of using marijuana during cravings? That's what I've been doing - smoke a big bowl and sleep through it til tomorrow. But am I actually just putting off an inevitable relapse without learning better coping mechanisms?

Edit: Holy wow! I was not expecting such a response from my little throwaway comment. I am totally overwhelmed by this show of support and I'm going to send the day getting to everyone. Thank you!

everythingisforants362 karma

I have totally been thinking about doing meditation. I read that they found learning those breathing patterns really helps with combating relapses. I'm definitely going to give it a shot - I am lucky to have an amazing social support structure so that is covered.

everythingisforants161 karma

Wow, it sounds like you guys unintentionally (?) practiced some of the techniques they recommend today with preterm babies. When it came out that physical contact was beneficial for preterms were you like 'well, duh'?

everythingisforants94 karma

Wow! That is amazing. If you don't mind the questions: were there any "difficulties" with unexpected pregnancy among the nurses? Do you feel that the isolation in Alaska led to a more equal footing between the genders or a more stark imbalance? How did the native peoples handle gender relations as you saw it?

everythingisforants88 karma

High five. Call me old fashioned too :) Peeves me when people force me to be a part of their drama (sexual or otherwise) just by being in the same public space as them. I'm looking at you, loud girl on her cell on the bus.