Highest Rated Comments

eveningsand781 karma

For you, specifically, how do you prevent the little critters from following you home? E.g. how do you ensure you don't take a small collection of bedbugs home from work with you?

eveningsand220 karma

Lieutenant Haith,

Becoming a Top Gun instructor is definitely a major notch in the career naval aviator's belt. You're going to be riding this high for awhile.

Where do you go from here? If you could pick your next Navy assignment, what would it be?

eveningsand196 karma

Champaign wishes and caviar Dreamliners.

eveningsand186 karma

Are there any long-term health concerns you have, being a professional who is constantly presented with chemicals specifically designed to function as poison?

How have you changed your "routine" so far as health checkups are concerned, and is this a company sponsored(mandated) schedule?

Thanks for doing the job you do, man!

eveningsand179 karma

Use an XOR gate.