Highest Rated Comments

estrellitadelmar2 karma

I have seen your books before in B&N and on Amazon, and overlooked them, especially ones with "cringe-worthy" names. Also, because what 23 year old woman would be caught reading a book for teens that's not a fantasy book?

... well. This one will. After reading through your responses here, you feel like a very real, not-self-absorbed author with a good heart. I'm going to give your books a chance. And deal with the stares on the subway.

Good luck to you in your future projects.

estrellitadelmar2 karma

What are the most common cancers to run in families? Of those, which have the best recovery rate?

Also, what books are encouraged in your field (or do you personally recommend) to give to children who have relatives that have cancer?

Thanks for doing this AMA.

estrellitadelmar1 karma

Thoughts on kilts? Love me my man in a kilt.