Highest Rated Comments

eshultz191 karma

How fucking hard is it to aim a slice of cheese in the general vicinity of my filet-o-fish?

eshultz95 karma

Do I really need to call poison control if my kid swallows toothpaste? Why can't we come up with a toothpaste that is edible?

eshultz79 karma

I am balding and I accept it, I keep my hair pretty short, shave it bald every few weeks, rock a big beard and I think I look great. Been bald for about 8 years.

I still have dreams where I look in the mirror and have hair again. And when I wake up bald, it still hurts a little.

eshultz21 karma

Thank you for the reply!

eshultz3 karma

... so you made 6 figures working help desk or what was your actual position? 6 figures is director level pay most places.