Highest Rated Comments

eric10199516 karma

And he never once paid for drugs!

eric1019955 karma

WHAT $25k for all of em? HOW?!

eric1019954 karma

How long does it take to write/record a parody? Do you have a professional studio of some sort? Also is making videos for youtube your only source of income? Thanks for doing an AMA!

eric1019953 karma

Hello, current HS senior here too. So awesome to hear you worked for NASA, I plan on going into aerospace engineering next year myself. Do you think your actuators could feasibly replace commercial aviation actuators? I feel like most systems in aviation tend to stay the same when there's little need for change.

eric1019952 karma

Hi! I found you guys after being amazed at your live performance on the ULTRA live stream a couple of years ago and have followed you ever since. Watching your snapchats I gotta ask, what was the best and worst exotic food you've tried around the world?

ps why don't you ever tour near Florida :(