Highest Rated Comments

eraser-dust36 karma

I've heard swimming is honestly one of the best things you can do for yourself in those kinds of situations. It removes the gravity - related strain on your body while still allowing you to exercise and move about.

eraser-dust9 karma

This is the best possible response to that. I wish I could eat a whole pie.

eraser-dust6 karma

As someone with undiagnosed autoimmune issues, sometimes I feel like I have something more severe. I have gastroparesis and a bunch of digestive issues and tons of food intolerances/sensitivities. I've been able to get my nausea under control for the most part but I still have bad days and end up taking a lot of zofran/dramamine. I get achey easily, sometimes to the point of being confined to bed because I can't move. I know I don't have mitochondrial disease but I think on some level I can relate.

Not sure if this has been asked or not, but what do you have to do on the really bad days? Do you have any medications or therapies you can use that will help with the discomfort?

eraser-dust5 karma

Holy shit that's amazing.

eraser-dust2 karma

Thank you! I'm pretty confident if any of us do have EDS, it's probably a cross between classic and hypermobile. Just have to wait and see. Thank you for doing this ama. It has been fairly informative. :)