Highest Rated Comments

emilyann187443 karma

This is so awesome. I'm originally from Dallas and lived there my whole life until I moved to Arkansas for school so seeing you make national headlines is insane. WFAA was always my favorite.

I guess my questions for you would be:

1) What were your first thoughts when your Michael Sam commentary blew up? 2) I watched your unplugged on Greg Hardy, and as a die hard Cowboys fan, I couldn't agree with you more. Did us signing him in addition to all the other stupid things our players have done keep you from being a fan or do you still tune in on Sundays? 3) Would you ever take unplugged requests or do you just do it based off of current events?

Thanks for taking the time to do this!

emilyann18745 karma

Can I come to a dinner party?

emilyann18742 karma

thanks for doing this :)

emilyann18741 karma

also my mom told me to let you know she met you at the railhead once and that I should tell you that!

emilyann18741 karma

woo hoo! you can just DM me the address :P