Highest Rated Comments

elijahf47 karma

I read to the end and didn't quit. Confirmed: interesting.

elijahf42 karma

You have to think of it this way: he "spent" $200 on marketing by giving away the first part in a series.

If it's good, why on earth wouldn't anyone spend $.99 on the next 2 or 3 or 10. However, spending $.99 on # 600,000 is insane. So really he didn't lose any money because he never would have sold anywhere near that amount.

elijahf28 karma

Because of this, the only comedy movies he allows himself to watch are Adam Sandler movies....

elijahf13 karma

You’re correct. I also won’t get into too much detail, but I’m sure the U.S. Navy is planning in the event of a request.

elijahf10 karma

This brings tears to my eyes. You don't have some PR team or professional video... It's just you, your heart, and anyone who can help. Amazing. This is the sort of thing I dream of... but you just fucking did it.

Thank you, from every human who wishes they did the same.