Highest Rated Comments

electricdog2 karma

Aah ye olde battletoads. I have called a game stop or two in regards to that game, which was fuckin sweet when it came out on snes

electricdog2 karma

Does the dose that you provide to people give them an experience of ego death? Every time I experience it, it throws me down into a place that I don't want to be again. How do you coach people through something that is inherently terrifying like becoming disconnected from their person?

electricdog2 karma

Nice. That's what my psychiatrist uses too.

electricdog2 karma

What is your voice to text choice for software?

electricdog1 karma

What do the clothes feel like on your body? What is the texture of the fabric?

It looks like it would make me feel like a supervillain, and I like that. Do they wick moisture? What genius designed these matrix-esque garments? Where do you hide the "pussy-magnet"?