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el_polar_bear139 karma

As horrible as this is, it is unlikely to have done any harm the victim... Yet, anyway. I'm sure getting him away from the kid and decent people in general is right, but that's really the worst?

el_polar_bear81 karma

Since you are diplomatically hostile to Croatia, how do you imagine this project could ever succeed, given that success would represent tolerance of further Balkanization of the Balkans - an unacceptable prospect to most world powers given the play in Eastern Europe now - and ultimately a point of vulnerability in a region that has been in or near war for all of modern history?

el_polar_bear32 karma

What caused us to hold our story last week is that DOJ and other officials began whispering to another news agency that at least one of the people we named (Nihad Awad) was monitored without a FISA warrant.

So what? Surely this increases the urgency?

el_polar_bear26 karma

This is consistent with how courts have interpreted appropriate use of funds for one person by other family members. That is the daughter is a major beneficiary of the new car, while other family members get significant incidental use of it. A similar example would be funds paid for a heating bill, even though the daughter isn't the only person who benefits from being in a warmed room.

el_polar_bear22 karma

Your last sentence brings down the tone of your whole post unnecessarily. He cast a skeptical eye on the problem, did some math, and disproved the initial position. You rebutted, and the onus is on him to respond to that. Then you went all jerkwad in your last paragraph, and we all lose. Well, I lose, because I was reading the exchange with interest, and now I just think you're a stinkyhead, and remain skeptical.