Highest Rated Comments

effrightscorp68 karma

There's almost no way any virus will survive the trip, let alone the day or ten in customs where they'll make sure your puzzle isn't made of fentanyl

effrightscorp12 karma

A surprisingly large number of guys do end up with actually swollen breast tissue from puberty and or being fat (more fat -> higher testosterone to estrogen conversion and more estrogen means more tits)

Edit: or irresponsible steroid use

Edit 2: or certain medications, like some antipsychotics

effrightscorp9 karma

"That's neat, now how do you intend to make what you stand for a reality? What is your strategy?"

Saying you're going to make Mexico pay for it seems to work pretty well

effrightscorp8 karma

Since you didn't give away the secret - the key is to not cook them to the old recommended temperature of 160 degrees, 145 degrees is safe. My mom still cooks pork to 160 because her 20+ year old thermometer has that labelled as pork temperature, and her pork chops always come out sad

effrightscorp7 karma

To add to what else was said, testosterone and other steroids usually don't make it to the bloodstream in very large amounts when you take them orally. The main modification to make steroids orally bioavailable, placing a methyl group at the 17alpha location on the molecule, makes them very liver toxic and can significantly change their effect profile. One non-methylated steroid currently being looked at for male hormonal birth control, DMAU, needs to be taken in 400mg/day doses, despite being many times more potent of an androgen than testosterone (to give a comparison, that's 2800mg/week - hormone replacement dosages of injected testosterone are about 100mg/week for most guys)