Highest Rated Comments

edwindario45 karma

Junot! KLK?! I just happened to see that this was going on and had to come on and say a few words, even if like many of your fans I can't fully put into words what your work has meant to me. My parents came from DR (Moca/La Capital and La Vega) and I was born and raised in Brooklyn. I left when I was 18 for the Marines and served 20 years. I was the first one to get a bachelors and master's degree and never in a million years did I think I would find someone that spoke my language or to my experiences. I would go every summer to La Vega to el campo and to La Capital so I stayed in touch with my roots. When I studied International Affairs in Boulder CO I would always choose DR as my country of choice for case studies. As a result, I learned a great deal about La Patria, even more than my parents knew since they didn't get to graduate high school. That's why I was pleasantly surprised when you spoke about Trujillo and fuku and in Spanglish with no apologies in Oscar Wao. I would have been afraid that a larger audience wouldn't get it, but I'm glad you did it anyway. Anyway, my sister Cindy Cosma turned me on to your work because she met you very early on in your career and I've since bought like a dozen of your books to give away to friends and evangelize them. When you won the Pullitzer I felt like I won it, or at least a very close cousin did. Keep it up. Estamos orgullosisimo de ti hermano. Que Dios te bendiga y te deseamos todo lo mejor... Sorry for babbling : )