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edias0061 karma

no good Terran foreigner

We know :(

edias008 karma

One of the major changes made for Starcraft 2 was the mining scalability when adding additional workers to mineral patches. For those who don't know, in BroodWar each additional worker added gave diminishing returns all the way up to 5+ workers. In SC2 these diminishing returns only start when added a 3rd worker at which point you reach the hard cap on mineral mining. As a result, players receive no mineral advantage when mining from more than 3 bases, where as in BW they had an incentive to continue expanding up to 5-6 mining bases. Since continued expansion is less of a priority, the result is more passive and "turtley" games.

This graphic from the SC2BW mod shows what I'm talking about. http://i.imgur.com/56JZY.png

As professional players of both Starcraft games, do you view this as a problem in Starcraft 2 game design?

Would you fix the problem of passive play through mineral scalability of another game mechanic?

Are there other BW mechanics you would like to see introduced to Starcraft 2?