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ecominded124 karma

Who has been your favorite President?

As an American Studies major, the 1950s was my favorite period in American History to study. Do you have any stories from the 50's related to the McCarthy era/communist fears in our country?

ecominded8 karma

Thanks! Looking forward to the answer to that one. I feel as though the 50s is a forgotten decade in our history. Its not surprising since its really a dark point in our past but its especially interesting today given the current NSA and surveillance issues

ecominded3 karma

I dont really have a question but just wanted to say thanks for at least bringing something like this up for discussion. I studied abroad at Hebrew U and know well of this incident. I am an American Jew (or Jewish American, I dont make a distinction) who was brought up to be a zionist of sorts, and that I still am. However, I am a free thinker and have my own, more left leaning, opinions on the issues but which I would bring up now since I dont feel this is the forum for it. I do want to mention, though, the documentary 5 Broken Cameras which I think does a great job of giving those who oppose settlement freezes a look at the other side. I have never had the chance to really hear and see what the other side has to live with and that film gave me more than I could ask for.

ecominded1 karma

@Riad - did you used to play ball at the Mission Creek court in SF? Was watching your episode of shark tank and was like whoa I think I know that dude!