Hi! I am a female masters student currently training in tropical ecology. I really hope to have kids one day and continue with my field research career. I really admire that you have been able to do this with your kids. I met another couple with a toddler when I was in Madagascar for a field season, and he was the brightest kid that I have ever met in that age group. I hope you don't mind if I bombard you with questions! I have read all about Jane Goodall and Meg Lowman and how they managed to raise their kids while still becoming scientific greats, but I have always wanted to ask someone more about the particulars:
(1) Do you have pets and who takes care of them when you are in the field?
(2) Are there ever times where only one of you is in the field? Who stays home with the kids?
(3) With Zika being a big issue now in South America, did you have to stay home during your pregnancy?
(4) (this might be a little personal) I know that I have family and friends who think that I am a little nutty for taking myself places with vector-borne diseases and venomous snakes. I can almost guarantee the push-back would be bigger if I was taking a child. Have you had anyone be critical of your choice to take the kids, and how did you deal with it?
I know that is quite a lot of questions, so please feel free to pick ones to answer! Thank you!
ecolog3 karma
Hi! I am a female masters student currently training in tropical ecology. I really hope to have kids one day and continue with my field research career. I really admire that you have been able to do this with your kids. I met another couple with a toddler when I was in Madagascar for a field season, and he was the brightest kid that I have ever met in that age group. I hope you don't mind if I bombard you with questions! I have read all about Jane Goodall and Meg Lowman and how they managed to raise their kids while still becoming scientific greats, but I have always wanted to ask someone more about the particulars:
(1) Do you have pets and who takes care of them when you are in the field? (2) Are there ever times where only one of you is in the field? Who stays home with the kids? (3) With Zika being a big issue now in South America, did you have to stay home during your pregnancy? (4) (this might be a little personal) I know that I have family and friends who think that I am a little nutty for taking myself places with vector-borne diseases and venomous snakes. I can almost guarantee the push-back would be bigger if I was taking a child. Have you had anyone be critical of your choice to take the kids, and how did you deal with it?
I know that is quite a lot of questions, so please feel free to pick ones to answer! Thank you!
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