Highest Rated Comments

eat_pb48 karma

Couldn't you keep a bottle of stuff labeled "Special Oxycontin" or something that only pharmacists would understand, and really fill it with sugar pills or something harmless like that? Then no shooting, and bad guys get no controlled substances. And since the sugar pills are harmless, its not like someone might accidentally think its REAL oxycontin and hurt themselves with it.

eat_pb21 karma

Over the last 10 years I've heard lots of "breakthroughs" in battery technology and seen nothing come of it. I'll hold my breath on this one.

eat_pb6 karma

I am NOT your assistant!

eat_pb1 karma

Because he's participating in a competition, he doesn't want someone (like me) to read it here and steal it.

eat_pb1 karma

As a former Symbian user, all I can say is:

Thank you.