Highest Rated Comments

durhamdrew636 karma

The average government employee is working way out of their competence level. Once yo're in the system that's it. You get promoted eventually and there is NO incentive to do s good joib or try to save money. In fact, if you save money. The only reward is a reduced budget the next year. The end ofthe fiscal year is a frenzy of government spending just to derplete budgets

durhamdrew634 karma

I never said they did, but most do. It's pathetic.

durhamdrew631 karma

I agree. I view the photos as artistic and very tasteful. However, my 'kinky' meter is fairly high so I may not be considered a valid opinion. But who cares?! I like them.

durhamdrew63-4 karma

This the American government for you, ineffective, incompetent, and wasteful. I laugh when I hear politicians say "______" government agency is the best in the world. BS We are HAS-BEENS ... like Great Britain.

i am a disabled veteran and worked for the federal government for over 20 years. Bring on the emails sheeple.