Highest Rated Comments

durable7 karma

I keep hearing that the demolition of the park was the 'last straw', but what were all the previous straws? Unwarranted jailing of some journalists/thinkers I heard about awhile ago, is that wrapped up in this?

What has the government done recently to create this eruption?

durable4 karma

Why would you say your boundaries are so different than most?

durable2 karma

Well that's what happens when a fictional TV drama presents a more truthful and comprehensive explanation of how our political process works than our news media outlets.

durable2 karma

Thanks! And good luck!

durable1 karma

As I've been listening and reading news reports I hear a lot of news agencies trying to shift the arguments towards economic ones, which the current party in power seems to have a pretty good track record with.

Do you feel that many of the protesters are dissatisfied with the current economic conditions or is main issue a religious/secular one?