Highest Rated Comments

duddles1312 karma

Have you ever fought someone outside of competition? Did you ever fight a bully?

duddles221 karma

How did you come to be friends with Neil Gaiman? Do you have any fun Neil stories you can share? Which of his works is your favorite?

duddles168 karma

Neil wrote an interesting tumblr post about it, said that Moffat kept trying to get female writers but they would often say no.

duddles68 karma

Reminded me of what Ebert wrote in his review of Inglourious Basterds:

Immediately after “Pulp Fiction” played at Cannes, QT asked me what I thought. “It’s either the best film of the year or the worst film,” I said. I hardly knew what the hell had happened to me. The answer was: the best film. Tarantino films have a way of growing on you. It’s not enough to see them once.

duddles64 karma

David Lynch used the 'two thumbs down' in advertising for Lost Highway