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dtrainescobar2 karma

There are reports and photographs of the demolition of the city of Jenin in 2002 by bulldozers as evidenced here:


Is this a common going on in the remains of Palestine, in terms of cities being decimated not by bombs in the past but instead by bulldozers?

dtrainescobar-6 karma

What was it that made you wake up and decide you wanted to fight for everyone be as miserable as all the heterosexuals?

Why do you feel a legal binding contract that typically does not benefit either party, or is even remotely necessary, to be something to fight for?

Why do a community representing less than 5% of the population think the nation really needs to hear their overly dramatacized pleas?

dtrainescobar-6 karma

The last person who did this, and was doing it for charity died. Once you too are hit and killed, who will you leave your legacy to?

dtrainescobar-9 karma

You spun that like bicycle tires and didnt answer the actual question, so here is a new one. What makes you and other cyclists think automobile drivers need to share the road with you, just because you saw some guys bike the tour de force?