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droznig52 karma
They didn't really fizzle out, their supporters just switched to UKIP which has more legitimacy to it. Today is voting day in the UK, so please go and vote if you are here, even if you spoil your vote go and make the effort otherwise you are simply saying "I'm fine with whatever some one else decides"
droznig42 karma
You know.... Now that I think about it, a lot of your videos are actually relevant to prisoners in the states.
BJJ/Judo, Making improvised weapons and shanks, prison wine...
You need to switch your target demographic. There are 2,220,300 prisoners in the states and prison wine only got 1.7M views, we need to smuggle smart phones in to the remaining 500k prisoners to bump up that view count.
droznig17 karma
Having the best counter terrorism force does not mean automatically winning a wider conflict, which ultimately comes down to decision making at the highest levels.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Think of it this way. The Imperial Japanese Navy didn't obliterate the Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbour because they were the best or the strongest, they obliterated the fleet because of poor decisions from US naval leaders and some good decisions from Japanese leaders to take advantage of those poor decisions. - That could have been the best equipped, best trained, strongest naval fleet on the planet and it still would have been obliterated due to the decisions made by leaders at the time.
History is abundant with examples of far superior forces being destroyed and wars being lost due to poor leadership. It doesn't matter how good or well equipped your soldiers are if your leadership is incompetent.
droznig3 karma
Can't terraform mars, no magnetosphere. Any atmosphere you create will just get blown away by solar winds.
droznig217 karma
Ok, so here is some rough math regarding the "Norway" model.
Norway pays around £650M into the EU each year to keep their access and have a population of 5m. They don't get any financial or project support from the EU.
Net total of money going into the EU from the UK is about £9B per year, which if you take into account that the UK is about 13 times larger than Norway comes to about £700M per 5m people. We get full access and EU funding for much needed projects and spread costs for important projects. (£9B takes into account rebates and money coming into the UK from the EU)
Basically, the Norway model scaled up to UK sizes means we pay about what we were paying before, maybe slightly less, but lose the benefits of actually being in the EU and having a vote.
Don't take my word for it, find the numbers yourself and do the math.
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