Highest Rated Comments

drkbeer2 karma

Thanks for your answers, Jeff! I assume ACT is similar to "Radical Acceptance" and will look into it :)

drkbeer2 karma

Good for you for going with your gut. I'm glad that you found someone who was more experienced in OCD. I had a very similar experience and found that it exacerbated my OCD .. sometimes I feel it can lead to questioning/obsessing about other things that aren't the core of the problems.

drkbeer1 karma

Hey Dr. Jeff. Current residential OCD patient here.

1) Are there any brain imaging techniques that can help with treatment or tracking OCD progress? If so, why don't we use these in residential treatment?

2) Why isn't ERP treatment better understood by psychologists or more widely available? (EDIT: Asked above)

3) Do you have any other advice for maintaining your gains other than doing ERP homework, eating healthy, exercising, and joining a support group?

4) Are hoarding rituals less common than other OCD subtypes? Are people with hoarding disorder less likely to seek help? It seems that I run into more people with contamination, checking, etc