Highest Rated Comments

drdrizzy13786 karma

it's saturday georgie boy!

drdrizzy13651 karma

trust me she is probably losing a ton. My grandma used to go all the time and say the same thing. I just go for fun. Play the nickel machines. She blew through her entire savings which was over 500 grand. Those "nickel" machines often take 3 or 5 dollar bets with multiple lines and multiple nickels you can put on the lines. I stay with her and started noticing copies of checks she hadn't written there in the 500 dollar range or so multiple times a week. It adds up quick! Have a talk with your grandma while she still has money left trust me.

drdrizzy13120 karma

nice save with the jizz belly

drdrizzy137 karma

i used to work in the business office we would take 5o percent usually and write off the rest and yes the billing department know the bullshit llike a tylenol costing like 7 dolars in the er. It is outrageous

drdrizzy135 karma

How is Anne Hathaway in person??