Highest Rated Comments

drangundsturm4 karma

The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX) has the most comprehensive list out there.

They also have an excellent analysis of the problems, as well as original research into health impacts associated with fracking-enabled oil and gas development.

drangundsturm4 karma

Is the state of Texas more concerned with protect its citizens, or the oil and gas industry?

drangundsturm2 karma

You are one my top 5 respected (pundits | columnists | political thinkers | etc) -- thanks very much for your work.

I would very much appreciate your response to this comment re the import of Chinese nationalism

Like Khiva, it keeps me up at night.

It is self-interested rational actors that prevents large scale conflict. In this area, China is irrational -- but that irrationality is superseded by economic interests. But -- as we discovered during the Bush/Cheney era -- it doesn't take much to unleash the forces of irrationality where they exist.

drangundsturm2 karma

Judging by your verification pic, that is one antiseptically clean office you are posting from. I thought journalism was a messy business.

Where's the pizza boxes? Where's the whiskey bottles?

drangundsturm2 karma

Is there anyplace you're aware of that regulations are adequate?

Would you want fracking/drilling in your backyard?