Highest Rated Comments

downeastgirl5 karma

Hi, thanks for this AMA! I' m a woman who went from 132 to 110 lbs, little by little changing my diet and working out, the change took 1 year but I'm super happy! The problem now, is that I'd like muscle definition, which I can't seem to get: I lift as heavy as possible, eat and drink my proteins everyday, but I haven't reached my muscle related goals. Any ideas on what can be wrong? Plus? What do you think of this protein powder?

Thank you so much for answering all this questions, it's been very interesting!

downeastgirl2 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA! Allow me to say you're a very beautiful girl :). As a complete ignorant of Turner's syndrome, and since you mentioned a lack of puberty signs, may I ask how you deal now with things like menstruation for example? Do you have to take any hormone therapy for that? Will you be able to have kids if you want them in the future?

Again, thank you so much for the AMA. Keep being the great girl you are!