Highest Rated Comments

dougde75 karma

very interesting AMA. So at the end of the study, did they tell you what times you actually slept or no? Like were you sleeping 6 hours during the day or was it mostly at night?

dougde16 karma

What is the interview process like and what are the qualifications necessary to be hired?

dougde5 karma

More of a general ATC questions. In simple terms. How exactly do you get everything timed so perfectly?

When I go on planes I find it so fascinating how its like one after another, one lands, another takes off, within minutes (if not seconds) of eachother. How do you guys keep it so organized?

also, have you ever had any close calls?

dougde2 karma

Were you prepared for it? Did you and your family ever come up with a plan or was it all done by ear at that point?

dougde2 karma

Have you told your family yet? If yes how have they reacted? And if not how are you going to break the news to them?