Highest Rated Comments

doublex944 karma

It's inspiring to see artists who self-produce break out into the wider scene. How did you make the jump from anonymity to fame and success?

doublex942 karma

When writing, do you come up with with melody/lyrics first, or the beat?

Do you use any live instruments during the writing/recording process?

doublex941 karma

My b, I meant "live" instrument!

doublex941 karma

Hello! I was impressed with your run in Texas and am very interested in your campaign, so thanks for aking the time to do this!

For someone who seems like a genuine, enthusiastic person about the issues you care about, how do you reconcile with the backlash associated with such a public pursuit - namely, the way people try to criticize and undermine your genuine-ness as "put-on" or "try-hard"? Do you ever start to doubt the line between wanting to appear good but also trying to genuinely be good?