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domesticokapis5 karma

Why does the Olympic committee test female athletes for chromosome abnormalities after they have competed and not before they even reach the games? Wouldn't pre testing teams cause a lot less controversy and tension?

domesticokapis5 karma

My dad has had the same policy for a long time and they just recently sent something saying they now cover suicides because well you're usually mentally ill if you do that. I'm sure it still has the x amount of years clause but before they wouldn't have paid out at all.

domesticokapis2 karma

Were you surprised/excited when they told you you were in the top 1% for healthy Canadians? I would brag about that forever, except it's probably easier to be in the top 1% health wise here in the US haha.

domesticokapis2 karma

I live in a state without death with dignity. I know someone well (a young adult, over 18) whose illness is terminal but doctors/family have chosen to keep that information from them. Do you think in WA & other states with DwD in place situations like that will increase to prevent younger people from making this choice?

domesticokapis2 karma

Do you have a way of finding out who the sponsors of the show are without watching it? Cause after this I won't be buying anything featured on the show or from anyone who sponsored a show who got your hopes up for nothing.