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doktorcrash178 karma

And that would be the difference between public and private services. I'm not trying to be cynical but it's pretty true.

doktorcrash59 karma

I'm an EMT And I'm the same way about lung butter.

doktorcrash44 karma

I've found that after 11 years in the medical field, doctors always minimize pain levels after surgery unless they've experienced it themselves. I think there are a lot of factors involved in why they underestimate it, ranging from having to keep mental distance from the patient so they can actually perform the procedure, to literally not being able to comprehend that level of pain. It could also be that telling someone how badly a procedure hurts tends to make them way more scared beforehand which can lead to worse outcomes, or even the patient not wanting to have the proc3dure at all.

I don't agree with any of those reasons, but I think the docs think they're protecting us by not telling us how much pain they're going to cause. Additionally, I think it is very difficult to comprehend pain levels because you have no frame of reference. I thought I had experienced a shit ton of pain in my life until I got my central line stitched in after the lidocaine wore off. I screamed and screamed and realized that no, I did not know pain before.

doktorcrash9 karma

Look at this guy throwing in the LVAD all casual. Like, no big, I just don’t have a pulse anymore.

doktorcrash9 karma

I can’t stop laughing at the diver’s voice.