Highest Rated Comments

dmorin218 karma



This seems like a buddy movie waiting to happen.

dmorin142 karma

Random sequitur - was at a play once, and a chase scene began. The man being chased jumped off the stage into the audience, turned and yelled "FOURTH WALL!" which left those chasing him staring at each other in confusion just long enough for him to make his escape. Laughed my ass off.

dmorin93 karma

Everybody on this thread knows that John Cusack is a real life kickboxer, right? Dude's got like 20 years experience taking bitches down.

dmorin2 karma

Hi Alex,

Almost right on top of each other we've had a story about Alan Turing (even though it only barely touched on the Turing Test), a self-aware robot (Chappie), and now Ex Machina. Do you think this is just a coincidence or the sign of a growing interest in the topic of what I'll call "achievable" artificial intelligence? Plenty of sci fi movies over the years have dealt with AI in theory, but I think I may even be quoting something I heard from you in another interview where someone said, "If Google came out tomorrow and said they'd invented this, we'd be surprised, but we wouldn't, you know?"

dmorin2 karma

I love the Shakespeare story of the Booth family. How much of the family's acting history do you explore in the book?