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dlouwe24 karma

I've got moderate prosopamnesia (can recognize faces, but can't remember them), and I tend to be more attracted to very distinctive, often non-facial features - e.g. if someone dyes their hair a bright colour I will perceive their face as more attractive.

dlouwe9 karma

so the way I understand it, there's two main components to facial recognition: encoding (a special way of processing facial shapes that lets people intuitively distinguish differences) and committing that encoding to memory.

prosopagnosia is an impairment of the encoding, whereas prosopamnesia is impairment of the memory. though the end result of both is pretty similar in not being able to recognize people's faces.

since mine isn't severe I can eventually remember faces after I see them many times, but I will recognize a person as a whole using non-facial cues far sooner than I'll be able to remember their face.

I am bad at conjuring faces in my mind, even when they are familiar to me, but as another commenter pointed out that might be more related to aphantasia, which I also have a bit of.