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dkit1327 karma

Hi Chef

I’ll begin by saying, though I’ve never had the pleasure of eating at Noma, the food you make is painfully beautiful to watch from afar. Your restaurant is the only one I’ve seen operating at such a high level that still somehow manages to remind me of my grandmother’s cooking.

Okay, enough gushing. Two questions.

The term refined gets thrown around a lot when describing haute cuisine, but your food and your philosophy is all about a celebration of ingredients in something close to their natural state. Would you use the word refined to describe what you do at Noma? If not, why do you think it’s become such a buzzword in fine dining?

My second question is about your process. Operating at your level it must be tempting to overcomplicate dishes to impress customers or even just to test your own abilities. How do you balance your creativity with an emphasis on simplicity?